“Objectivists” 1927-1934 Contents


Ahearn, Barry, ed. “Ezra Pound & Louis Zukofsky: Letters 1928-1930.” Montemora, 8 (1981), 149-l83.

______, ed. Pound/Zukofsky: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and Louis Zukofsky. New York: New Directions, 1987. Cited as Pound/Zukofsky.

______, ed. The Correspondence of William Carlos Williams and Louis Zukofsky. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2003. Cited as The Correspondence.

______, ed. The Selected Letters of Louis Zukofsky. z-site.net, 2013. Cited as The Selected Letters.

______. “Notes on a Convocation of Disciplines.” Montemora, 4 (1978), 251-259.

Aldington, Richard. “Natal Verses for the Birth of a New Review.” Exile, 1 (Spring 1927), 86-87.

Allen, Frederick Lewis. Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the Nineteen-Twenties. 1931; rpt. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.

Anderson, Forrest. “Arrangement from ‘Land’s End.’” An “Objectivists” Anthology. France, 1932; rpt. New York: Folcroft Library Editions, 1975, p. 159.

Baldwin, Neil, and Steven L. Meyers. The Manuscripts and Letters of William Carlos Williams in the Poetry Collection of the Lockwood Memorial Library, State University of New York at Buffalo: A Descriptive Catalogue. Foreword by Robert Creeley. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1978.

Benet, William Rose. “The Phoenix Nest: A Serious Craftsman.” Rev. Discrete Series. By George Oppen. The Saturday Review of Literature, 10, 36 (24 March 1934), 580.

Bock, Layeh A. “The Birth of Modernism: ‘Des Imagistes’ and the Psychology of William James.” Diss. Stanford 1980.

Booth, Marcella. A Catalogue of the Louis Zukofsky Manuscript Collection. Austin, TX: University of Texas, 1975.

Bunting, Basil. “Attis: Or, Something Missing.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 33-35.

______. “The arts, at their best . . . “” (prose). Multi: Basil Bunting from the British Press. Berkeley: An Octaroon Book, 29 April 1976, [back page].

______. Preface. Collected Poems. London: Fulcrum Press, 1968.

______. “Villon.Poetry, 37, 1 (October 1930), 27-33. In Collected Poems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978, p. 6.

______. “The Word.Poetry, 37, 5 (February 1931), 260-261. In Collected Poems (1978), pp. 89-90.

Burke, Kenneth. “The Matter of the Document.” Intro. Testimony. By Charles Reznikoff. New York: The Objectivist Press, 1934, pp. xi-xvi.

______. “William Carlos Williams,” 1883-1963.” In William Carlos Williams: A Collected of Critical Essays. Ed. J. Hillis Miller. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966.

Burnshaw, Stanley. “Eartha: To the Earth; Instead of Swords; Restful Ground; Forevermore; Her Crown; Blood of Earth.” Poetry, 37, 6 (March 1931), 297-300.

______. Letter. Poetry, 38, 1 (April 1931), 53-55.

Butts, Mary. “Corfe.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 36-39.

Carnevali, Emanuel. “From Arthur Rimbaud: Wakes—III; To One Reason.Poetry (February 1931), 262.

Chambers, Whittaker. “October 21st, 1926.” Poetry (February 1931), 258-259.

Champion, Martha. “Poem.” Poetry (February 1931), 265.

Clucas, Garth. “Basil Bunting: A Chronology.” Poetry Information, Basil Bunting Special Issue, 19 (Autumn 1978), 70.

Creeley, Robert. Contexts of Poetry: Interviews 1961-1971. Ed. Donald Allen. Bolinas, CA: Four Seasons Foundation, 1973.

______. “A Note.” “A” 1-12. By Louis Zukofsky. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967, pp. vii-xvi.

Cuddihy, Michael. “An Oppen Bibliography.” Ironwood 5, 3, 1 (1975), 86-87.

______. “Oppen Bibliography: Some Amendments.” Ironwood 9, 5, 1 (1977), 116.

Damon, S. Foster. Amy Lowell: A Chronicle. With Extracts from her Correspondence. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1935.

Davie, Donald. “English and American in Briggflatts.” Theéfpet in the Imaginary Museum: Essays of Two Decades. New York: Persea, 1977, pp. 285-292.

______. Letter to author. 9 November 1979.

Dembo, L. S. ed. Contemporary Literature, Special Number, The “Objectivist” Poet, 10, 2 (Spring 1969), 155-219.

______, and Cyrena N. Pondrom, eds. The Contemporary Writer: Interviews with Sixteen Novelists and Poets. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1972.

Duncan, Robert. “As Testimony: Reading Zukofsky These Forty Years.” Paideuma, 7, 3 (Winter 1978), 421-427.

Dunlap, Ellen S. Letter to author. 31 July 1980.

Eliot, T. S. “Marina: Quis hic locus, quae regio, quae mundi plaga?An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 160-161.

The Metaphysical Poets.” In The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Third Edition, Volume 2. New York: Norton, 1962, pp. 2205-2213.

Ellman, Richard, and Robert O’Clair, eds. The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. New York: Norton, 1973.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “Language.” In Major Writers of America, I. Ed. Perry Miller. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1962, pp. 494-497.

Fenollosa, Ernest. The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry. Ed. Ezra Pound. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1969.

Ferrill, Thomas Hornsby. Letter. Poetry, 38, 5 (August 1931), 291.

Fletcher, Frances. “Carmen et Error (Ovid in Exile).” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 162.

______. “A Chair.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 40.

Flint, F. S. “Imagisme.” Poetry, 1, 6 (March 1913), 198-200.

Ford, Charles Henri. “Left Instantly Designs.” Poetry (February 1931), 286-287. In Flag of Ecstasy: Selected Poems. Ed. Edward B. Germain. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1972, p. 95.

______. and Parker Tyler. “Symposium.” Poetry (February 1931), 285-288.

Gallup, Donald. A Bibliography of Ezra Pound. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1963.

Gerogiannis, Nicholas, ed. 88 Poems. By Ernest Hemingway. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich/Bruccoli Clark, 1979.

Gregory, Horace. Letter. Poetry (April 1931), 51-53.

______. “A Tombstone with Cherubim.” Poetry (March 1931), 306-307.

Hecht, S. Theodore. “Table for Christmas.” Poetry (February 1931), 255.

Hemingway, Ernest. “They All Made Peace—What Is Peace?Little Review, The Little Review’s Exile Number (Spring 1923), 2O-21. Poetry (February 1931), 270-271. In 88 Poems, pp. 63-64.

Hughes, Glenn. Imagism and the Imagists: A Study in Modern Poetry. 1931; rpt. New York: The Humanities Press, 1960.

James, Henry. The American Scene. Ed. Leon Edel. 1907; rpt. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1968.

______. “The Story In It.” In Great Stories of the World. Eds. Barrett H. Clark and Maxim Lieber. New York: Garden City, 1938, pp. 970-984.

James, William. Psychology: Briefer Course. New York: Macmillan, 1962.

______. The Writings of William James: A Comprehensive Edition. Ed. John J. McDermott. New York: Random House, 1967.

Johns, Richard. “The Sphinx: for W C W.” Poetry (February 1931), 264-265.

Jones, Alun R. The Life and Opinions of T. E. Hulme. Boston: Beacon, 1960.

Kandinsky, Wassily. Concerning the Spiritual in Art. New York: George Wittenborn, 1966.

Keats, John. Selected Poems and Letters. Ed. Douglas Bush. Boston Hougton Mifflin, 1959.

Kenner, Hugh. A Homemade World: The American Modernist Writers. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975.

Köhler, Wolfgang. The Task of Gestalt Psychology. Intro. Carroll C Pratt. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969.

Lenin, V. I. (Ulianov). The State and Revolution. In Collected Works, Volume 25. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1964, pp. 381-492.

Letter (”My money . . .”). Poetry (April 1931), 51.

Loewenthal, Jesse. “Match.” Poetry (February 1931), 261.

Lowell, Amy. Letter to Monroe. 15 September 1914. In S. Foster Damon. Amy Lowell: A Chronicle, p. 237.

Lowenfels, Walter. “Note on the Anonymous Object.” Poetry (August 1931), 289-290.

Macleod, Norman. “Song for the Turquoise People.” Poetry (February 1931), 253.

______. Letter to author. 11-15 October 1979.

”Messalina, Valeria.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 1966 ed.

McAlmon, Robert. “Child-blithely.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pl

______. “Fortuno Carraccioli.” Poetry (February 1931), 247-251.

______. “Gertrude Stein.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 70-74.

______. “Historical Reminiscence.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 41-42.

Monroe, Harriet. “The Arrogance of Youth.” Poetry (March 1931), 328-333.

______, and Alice Corbin Henderson, eds. The New Poetry: An Anthology of Twentiety-Century Verse in English. New York: Macmillan, 1923.

______. Recommendation to the Guggenheim Foundation of Louis Zukofsky. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, folder 41, box 14.

Moore, Marianne. Observations. New York: Dial Press, 1925.

Newman, Charles Henry. “How Objective is Objectivism?” Rev. Collected Poems 1921-1931. By William Carlos Williams. Dynamo: A Journal of Revolutionary Poetry, 1, 3 (Summer 1934), 26-29.

Neidecker, Lorine. Blue Chicory. Ed. Cid Corman. New Rochelle, NY: Elizabeth Press, 1976.

Norman, Charles. Ezra Pound, Revised Edition. New York: Minerva Press, 1969.

Norman, Philip. “A Necklace of Chamberpots.” Multi: Basil Bunting from the British Press, pp. [3-5].

”Notes to Contributors.” Westminster Magazine, 23, 1 (Spring 1934), 8.

O’Brien, Geoffrey. Rev. By the Well of Living and Seeing and Holocaust. By Charles Reznikoff. Montemora, 1 (Fall 1975), 158-160.

Odlin, Reno. Letter. Paideuma, 10, 1 (Spring 1981), 187.

______. “Materials toward an Essay on Zukofsky’s ‘A’.” Paideuma, 9, 3 (Winter 1980), 555-556.

Olson, Charles. “Projective Verse.” Selected Writings. Ed. Robert Creeley. New York: New Directions, 1966, pp. 15-26.

O’Neill, William F. With Charity Toward None: An Analysis of Ayn Rand s Philosoghy. New York: Philosophical Library, 1971.

Oppen, George. The Charles Reznikoff Memorial KPFA Broadcast Interview. With Charles Amirkhanian. 1976.

______. Collected Poems. New York: New Directions, 1975.

______. “A Conversation with George Oppen.” With Charles Amirkhanian and David Gitin. Ironwood 5 (1975), 21-24.

______. “Discrete Series.” Typescript. The Charles Reznikoff Archive. Archive for New Poetry. University of California—San Diego.

______. “Discrete Series I-IV.” Poetry, 39, 4 (January 1932), 198-199.

______. Discrete Series. Preface by Ezra Pound. New York: The Objectivist Press, 1934.

______. Interview with L. S. Dembo. Contemporary Literature (Spring 1969), 159-177. In The Contemporary Writer, pp. 172-190.

______. Interview with Kevin Power. Montemora, 4 (1978), 186-203.

______. The Materials. New York: New Directions/San Francisco Review, 1962.

1930’s.” Poetry (February 1931), 256-257.

______. “1930’s.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 43.

______. Of Being Numerous. New York: New Directions, 1968.

______. “The Mind’s Own Place.” Montemora, 1 (Fall 1975), 132-136.

______. Personal interview. 10 November 1978. San Francisco.

______. Personal interview. 28 November 1978. San Francisco.

______. Personal interview. 6 April 1980. San Francisco.

______. Primitive. Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1978.

______. Seascape: Needle’s Eye. Fremont, MI: Sumac Press, 1972.

______. This in Which. New York: New Directions/San Francisco Review, 1965.

Oppen, Mary. Meaning a Life: An Autobiography. Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1978.

Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Trans. Horace Gregory. New York: American Library, 1960.

Pater, Water. From “Style.” The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 2. New York: Norton, 1974, pp. 1642-1646.

Poe, Edgar Allan. “To Helen.” The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Intro. Hervey Allen. New York: Random House, 1938, p. 1017.

Pound, Ezra, ed. Active Anthology. London: Faber and Faber, 1933.

______. “Affirmations, IV. As for Imagisme.” New Age, 16, 13 (28 January 1915), 349-350. In Selected Prose 1909-1965. Ed. William Cookson. New York: New Directions, 1973, pp. 374-377.

______. Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony, with Sugplementary Notes.

______. “Article 211.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 20-23. Rpt. “Kick.” Morada, 1 (Autumn 1929), 11.

______. “Bureaucracy the Flail of Jehovah.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 6-15.

______. The Cantos. New York: New Directions, 1975.

______. “The City.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 24-29.

______. “Data.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 104-106.

______. “Desideria.” Exile, 3 (Spring 1928), 108.

______. ed. Des Imagistes: An Anthology, New York: Albert Charles Boni, 1914; rpt. Layeh A. Bock. “The Birth of Modernism.” Diss. Stanford 1980.

______. “Donna Mi Prega by Guido Cavalcanti with Traduction and Commentary by Ezra Pound: Followed by Notes and a Consideration of the Sonnet” Dial, 85, 1 (July 1928), 1-20.

______. A Draft of the Cantos 17-27. London: John Rodker, 1928.

______. A Draft of XXX Cantos. Paris: Hours Press, 1930.

______. “The Exile.” Exile, 1 (Spring 1927), 88-92. In Selected Prose, pp. 214-215.

______. “The Exile.” Exile, 3 (Spring 1928), 102-107.

______. Ezra Pound and Music: The Complete Criticism. Ed. R. Murray Schafer. New York: New Directions, 1977.

______. “A Few Don’ts by an Imagiste.Poetry, 1, 6 (March 1913), 200-206.

______. “From the Editor of ‘The Exile.’Poetry, 30, 3 (June 1927), 174-175.

______. Gaudier-Brzeska: A Memoir. 1916; rpt. New York: New Directions, 1970.

______. Guide to Kulchur. 1938; rpt. New York: New Directions, 1968.

______. How to Read. London: Desmond Harmsworth, 1931.

______. Impact: Essays on Ignorance and the Decline of American Civilization. Ed. Noel Stock. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1960.

______. “Interaction.” Exile, 3 (Spring 1928), 109.

______. “In the Vortex.” Instigations; together with “An Essay on the Chinese Written Character by Ernest Fenollosa. 1920; rpt. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1969, pp. 233-234.

______. Jefferson and/or Mussolini: L’Idea Statale, Fascism As I Have Seen It. London, 1935; rpt. New York: Liveright, 1970.

______. Letter. Poetry (April 1931), 58.

______. Letters to Lincoln Kirstein. 3 and 20 February 1930. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Yale University.

______. Letter to Monroe. 2 March 1930. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 38, folder 5.

______. Letter to Monroe. 26 September 1930. Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 38, folder 6.

______. Letter to Monroe. 16 November 1930. Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 38, folder 6.

______. Letter to Williams. 29 November 1912. Pound Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. In “The Birth of Modernism.” Bock. Diss. Stanford 1980, p. 138.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 5 March 1928. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 1 July 1928. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 21 July 1928. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 31 July 1928. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 12 August 1928. Montemora, 8 (1981), 149.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 31 August 1928. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 21 October 1928. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 2 November 1928. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin and Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 3 November 1928. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin and Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 26 November 1928. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 3 February 1929. Yale or Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 12 February 1929. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 31 October 1929. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 23 November 1929. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 9 December 1929. Montemora, 8 (1981), 155.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 31 December 1929. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 9 February 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, and Montemora, 8 (1981), 159.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 10 January 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 14 February 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 14 April 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 6 May 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 26 September 1930. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 43-44, No. 23.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 24 October 1930. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 45-47, No. 24.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 25 October 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin and Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 48-54, Nos. 25 and 26.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 27 October 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 28 October 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. Montemora, 8 (1981), 166-169. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 54-58, No. 27.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 30 October 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 18 November 1930. Yale and Montemora, 8 (1981), 172.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 24 and 25 November 1930. Montemora, 8 (1981), 173-174.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 27 November 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. Montemora, 8 (1981), 175-176. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 75-77, No. 32.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 2 December 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 25 December 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 84-86, No. 34.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 22 January 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 18 February 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 3 November 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 22 November 1931. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 104-106, No. 42.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 27 November 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 22 December 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 122-124, No. 46.

______. Letter to Oppen and Zukofsky. 23 December 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 27 Decmeber 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 2 January 1932. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 5 March 1932. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 25 “Lug” 1932. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 28 April 1933. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 6 February 1934. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Literary Essays. Ed. T. S. Eliot. New York: New Directions, 1968.

______. Lustra with Earlier Poems. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1917.

______. “Manifesto.” Poetry, 41, 1 (October 1932), 40-43.

______. “Mit der Yittischer Charleston Pband.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 44-45.

______. “Our Contemporaries and Other.” New Review, 1, 2 (May-June-July 1931), 149-152.

______. Pavannes and Divisions. New York: Knopf, 1918.

______. “Peace.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 15-19.

______. Poems 1918-1921, Including Three Portraits and Four Cantos. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1921.

______. Polite Essays. 1937; rpt. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1966.

______. “Practical Suggestions.” Poetry, 33, 6 (March 1929), 327-333.

______. Preface. Discrete Series. By George Oppen. New York: The Objectivist Press, 1934, pp. v-vi. Stony Brook, 3/4 (1969), 21. Paideuma, 10, 1 (Spring 1981), 13.

______. Profile: An Anthology Collected in MCMXXXI. Milan: John Scheiwiller, 1932.

______. “Program 1929.” Blues: A Magazine of New Rhythms, 2 (March 1929), 29.

______. “Prolegomena.” Exile, 2 (Autumn 1927), 35. In Selected Prose, p. 216.

______. Prolegomena I: How to Read Followed by The Spirit of Romance Part I. Le Beausset, Var, France: To Publishers, 1932.

______. “A Retrospect.” Literary Essays, pp. 3-14.

______. Rev. Cambridge Left . Poetry, 42, 6 (September 1933), 353-355.

______. Selected Letters 1907-1941. Ed. D. D. Paige. New York: New Directions, 1970.

______. Selected Poems. New York: New Directions, 1957.

______. Selected Prose 1909-1965. Ed. William Cookson. New York: New Directions, 1973.

______. “Simplicities.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 1-6.

______. “The Situation.” Poetry, 38, 2 (May 1931), 95-97.

______. “Small Magazines.” The English Journal: The Official Organ of the National Council of Teachers of English, 19, 9 (November 1930), 689-704.

______. The Spirit of Romance. New York: New Directions, 1968.

Strange Bedfellow.” Chicago Tribune, Paris (7 December 1930), 4.

______. Translations. Intro. Hugh Kenner. New York: New Directions, 1963.

______. “Vortex.” Blast, 1 (20 June 1914), 153-154.

______. “Words for Rondel in Double Canon (Maestoto e triste).” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 45-46.

Preface. Some Imagist Poets: An Anthology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1915.

”Prides and Prejudices.” Westminster Magazine, 22, 4 (Winter 1933), 6.

Putnam, Samuel. “Black Arrow.” New Review, 1, 2 (May-June-July 1931), 71-82.

______. “The Horses of Her Hair: for Riva Poetry (February 1931), 288-289.

Rakosi Carl. “African Theme, Needlework, Etc.” Contact: An American Quarterly Review (Second Series), 1, 3 (October 1932), 35-36.

______. Amulet. New York: New Directions, 1967.

______. “The Beasts.” Poetry, 43, 2 (November 1933), 83-87. In Modern Things. Ed. Parker Tyler. New York: The Galleon Press, 1934, pp. 67-71. In Poetry Out of Wisconsin. New York: Henry Harrison, 1937, pp. 228-230.

______. “Before You: Orphean Lost; Fluteplayers from Finmarken; Unswerving Marine; Before You.Poetry (February 1931), 237-241.

______. “Characters.” Exile, 2 (Autumn 1927), 36

______. “Dulce Padre and Ephebus.” transition: an international quarterly for creative experiment, 12 (March 1928) 123-124

______. Ere-Voice. New York: New Directions, 1971.

______. Ex Cranium, Night. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 1975.

______. “Extracts from a Private Life.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 101-103.

______. “The Founding of New Hampshire.” transition (March 1928), 124. Pagany, 2, 3, (Ju1y-September 1931), 136. In A Return Pagany: The History, Correspondence, and Selections from a Little Magazine 1929-1932. Eds. Stephen Halpert and Richard Johns. Boston: Beacon Press 1969, p. 326.

______. “A Journey Away: 1-7.” Hound and Horn, 5, 4 (October-December 1931), 602-605.

______. “A Journey Away 1-9.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 47-52.

______. Interview with L. S. Dembo. Contemporary Literature (Spring 1969), 178-192. In The Contemporary Writer, pp 191-205.

______. Letter to author 7 August 1979.

______. Letter to author 14 August 1979.

______. Letter to author 28 August 1979.

______. Letter to author 14 September 1979.

______. Letter to I. P. Stone. 1923. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. “Notes to Zukofsky’s Letters.” Unpublished manuscript, Property of Carl Rakosi.

______. “Parades.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 164.

______. Personal interview. 28 November 1978. San Francisco.

______. Personal interview. 18 January 1980. San Francisco.

______. Personal interview. 11 September 1981. San Francisco.

______. “Revue.” Exile, 2 (Autumn 1927), 39.

______. Selected Poems: The Poet of the Month. Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1941.

______. “Superproduction.” Exile, 2 (Autumn 1927), 38.

______. “Three Poems: Frankfort and Bethlehem, 8/10; Paris, 9/8; Foyer, the Orpheum, 12/10.” Pagany, 3, 1 (January-March 1932), 100-103.

______. “Three Poems: Revue; Death Song; Dolce Padre and Ephebus.” Pagany, 2, 2 (April-June 1931), 21-23.

______. “Three Poems: Sylvia; Salons; The Athletes.” Pagany, 2, 4 (October-December 1931), 102-104.

______. “Travelogue.” Rev. Cross-Country. By Solon Barber . Poetry, 42, 1 (April 1933), 52-54.

______. Two Poems. Drawings by Frances Foy. New York: The Modern Editions Press, Pamphlet 7 of the Poetry Series, [1933].

______. “Wanted.” Exile, 2 (Autumn 1927), 37.

______. “William Carlos Williams.” Symposium: A Critical Review, 4, 4 (October 1933), 439-447.

Reisman, Jerry, and Louis Zukofsky. “After Les Collines (G. A.)” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 192.

______. Rev. A Novelette and Other Prose (1921-1931). By William Carlos Williams. Lion and Crown, 1, 1 (Fall 1932), 44-46.

Rev. Discrete Series. By George Oppen. Nation, 139, 3602 (18 July 1934), 84.

Rexroth, Kenneth. American Poetry in the Twentieth Century. New York: Herder and Herder, 1971.

______. “Examen de conscience.” Letter to Zukofsky. 30 December 1930. New Review, 2, 5 (April 1932), 7-11.

______. “Fundamental Disagreement with Two Contemporaries: For T. T. and A. B.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 79-86.

______. “Last Page of a Manuscript.” Poetry (February 1931), 254-255. In Poetry Out of Wisconsin, p. 237.

______. Letter to author. December 1978.

______. Letter to Monroe. 6 January 1931. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 19, folder 12.

______. Letter to Monroe. 12 January 1931. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 19, folder 12, and Poetry (April 1931), 57.

______. “The Place for Yvor Winters.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 165-168.

______. “Prolegomenon to a Theodicy.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. S3-78.

______, and Louis Zukofsky. “Prolegomena to a Theodicy: A.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 189-192.

______. “A Prolegomena to a Theodicy.” Collected Longer Poems. New York: New Directions, 1970.

Reznikoff, Charles. By the Waters of Manhattan. Intro. Louis Untermeyer. New York: Charles Boni Paper Books, 1930.

______. By the Waters of Manhattan: An Annual. New York: Charles Reznikoff, 1929.

______. Chatterton, The Black Death, and Meriwether Lewis, Three Plays. New York: Charles Reznikoff, 1922.

______. “The English in Virginia April 1607.” Pagany, 1, 4 (October-December 1930), 31-32. In An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 169-170. In A Return to Pagany, pp. 184-185.

______. Family Chronicle. New York: Charles Reznikoff, 1963.

______. Five Groups of Verse. New York: Charles Reznikoff, 1927.

______. Going To and Fro and Walking Up and Down. New York: Charles Reznikoff, 1941.

______. “A Group of Verse.” Poetry (February 1931), 252-253.

______. Holocaust. Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1977.

______. Jerusalem the Golden. New York: The Objectivist Press, 1934.

______. In Memoriam: 1933. New York: The Objectivist Press, 1934.

______. Inscriptions: 1944-1956. New York: Charles Reznikoff, 1959.

______. Interview with L. S. Dembo. Contemporary Literature (Spring 1969), 193-202. In The Contemporary Writer, pp. 206-215.

______. Interview with Janet Sternburg and Alan Ziegler. Montemora, 2 (Summer 1976), 113-121.

______. Letter to Monroe. 27 October 1917. Poetry Papers 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 19, folder 13.

______. Letter to Monroe. 4 May 1918. Poetry Papers 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 19, folder 13.

______. The Manner Music. Intro. Robert Creeley. Santa Barbara Black Sparrow Press, 1977.

______. “My Country, ’Tis of Thee.” Contact (Second Series), 1, 1 (February 1932), 14-34; 1, 2 (May 1932), 99-108.

______. “From My Country, ’Tis of Thee.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 92-97.

______. Nine Plays. New York: Charles Reznikoff, 1927.

______. Poems. New York: Samuel Roth 1920.

______. Poems 1918-1936, Volume I of the Complete Poems. Ed. Seamus Cooney. Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1976.

______. Poems 1937-1975, Volume II of the Complete Poems. Ed. Seamus Cooney. Forward by George Oppen. Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1977.

______. “Rashi.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 87-91.

______. Rhythms. Brooklyn, NY: De Vinne Press, 1918.

______. Rhythms II. Brooklyn, NY: De Vinne Press, 1919.

______. Separate Way. New York: The Objectivist Press, 1936.

______. Sparrow 52: “First, there is the Need.” Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, January 1977.

______. Testimony. New York: The Objectivist Press, 1934.

______. Uriel Accosta: A Play and A Fourth Group of Verse. New York: Charles Reznikoff, 1921.

Rich, Adrienne. “Beyond the Heirlooms of Tradition.” Rev. Found Objects. By Louis Zukofsky. Poetry, 105, 2 (November 1964), 128-129.

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Rosenblum, Martin J. “Carl Rakosi: An Interview.” Margins: A Review of Little Magazines and Small Press Books, 17, 2 (1975), 12-28, 59.

______. “Carl Rakosi’s Americana Poems: Objectivist Word Machines From an American Assembly Line.” Diss. University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee 1980.

Roskolenkier, Harry. “Supper in an Alms-House.” Poetry (February 1931), 257.

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Schimmel, Harold. “Zuk. Yehoash David Rex.” Paideuma (Winter 1978), 559-569.

Seidman, Hugh, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Creeley, and Celia Zukofsky. “A Commemorative Evening for Louis Zukofsky.” American Poetry Review, Supplement, 9, 1 (January/February 1980).

Sorel, Georges. Reflections on Violence. Trans. T. E. Hulme and J. Roth. Intro. Edward A. Shils. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1950.

Spector, Herman. “How Objective is Objectivism?” Rev. Jerusalem the Golden and Testimony. By Charles Reznikoff. Dynamo: A Journal of Revolutionary Poetry, 1, 3 (Summer 1934), 29-30.

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Stevens, Wallace. “Williams.” Intro. Collected Poems 1921-1931. By William Carlos Williams. New York: The Objectivist Press, 1934, pp. 1-4.

Tate, Allen. “Laundry Bills.” Revs. How to Read and Profile: An Anthology Collected in MCMXXXI . By Ezra Pound. Poetry, 41, 2 (November 1932), 107-111.

Taupin, René. Letter. Poetry (March 1931), 354.

______. L’lnfluence du Symbolisme Français sur la Poésie Américane (de 1910 à 1920). Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1929.

______, trans. Le Style Apollinaire. By Louis Zukofsky. Paris: Les Presses Modernes, 1934.

______. “Three Poems by André Salmon: I.” Trans. Louis Zukofsky. Poetry (February 1931), 289-293.

______. “Three Poems by André Salmon: II.” Trans. Louis Zukofsky. Poetry (March 1931), 333-339.

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______. The Shadow of an Airplane Climbs the Emgire State Building: A World Theory of Film. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.

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Weaver, Mike. William Carlos Williams: The American Background. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1971.

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______. “What Furred Creature.” Poetry (February 1931), 246.

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______. “Belly Music.” Others, Supplement (July 1919), pp. 25-32.

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______. Collected Earlier Poems. New York: New Directions, 1951.

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______. “An Extraordinary Sensitivity.” Rev. 55 Poems. By Louis Zukofsky . Poetry, 60, 6 (September 1942), 338-340.

______. “Full Moon.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 182.

______. “George Antheil and the Cantilene Critics: A Note of the First Performance of Antheil’s Music in N Y C: April 10, 1927.” transition, American Number, 13 (Summer 1928), 237-240.

______. Imaginations: Kora in Hell, Spring and All, The Great American Novel, The Descent of Winter, A Novelette and Other Prose. Ed. Webster Schott. New York: New Directions, 1970.

______. “In the ‘Sconset Bus.’” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 175-176.

______. I Wanted to Write a Poem: The Autobiography of the Works of a Poet. Ed. Edith Heal. Boston: Beacon Press, 1958.

______. “The Jungle.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 173.

______. “Kenneth Burke.” Dial, 86, 1 (January 1929), 6-7.

______. Letter to Richard Johns. 30 December 1931. A Return to Pagany, p. 372.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 28 March 1928. In Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, State University of New York at Buffalo. The Correspondence, pp. 3-4.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 17 May 1928. Yale and the Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, State University of New York at Buffalo. The Correspondence, pp. 8-9.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 25 June 1928. Yale and the Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, State University of New York at Buffalo. The Correspondence, p. 10.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 12 July 1928. The Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, State University of New York at Buffalo. The Correspondence, p. 11.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 4 December 1928. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 24.

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______. Letter to Zukofsky. 7 February 1929. Yale. The Correspondence, pp. 28-29.

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______. Letter to Zukofsky. 23 August 1929. The Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, State University of New York at Buffalo. The Correspondence, p. 34.

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______. Letter to Zukofsky. 3 November 1929. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 47.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 14 November 1929. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 47.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 14 January 1930. Yale. The Correspondence, pp. 55-56.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 27 January 1930. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 58.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 31 January 1930. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 59.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 3 April 1930. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 62.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. Friday, April 1930. The Correspondence, p. 63. Yale.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 2 February 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. The Correspondence, p. 79.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 18 November 1931. Yale. The Correspondence, pp. 113-114.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 8 December 1931. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 116.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. December 1931. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 118.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 28 April 1933. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 154.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 6 May 1933. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. The Correspondence, p. 155.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 6 May 1933. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 155.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 24 May 1933. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 158.

______. Letter to Zukofsky. 26 November 1933. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. The Correspondence, p. 171.

______. Letter to Zukofsky, 1 June 1934. Yale. The Correspondence, p. 186.

______, and Louis Zukofsky. “March.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 196-200.

______. “The New Poetical Economy.” Rev. Discrete Series. By George Oppen . Poetry, 44, 4 (July 1934), 220-225. In George Oppen: Man and Poet. ed. Burton Hatlin. Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation, 1981, pp. 267-270.

______. A Novelette and Other Prose 1921-1931. Toulon, France: To Publishers, 1932. In Imaginations, pp. 272-363.

______. “Objectivism.” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Eds. Alex Preminger, Frank J. Warnke, and O. B. Hardison, Jr. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965, p. 582.

______. “I. [‘I make very little money’]; II. [‘It is a living coral’]; III. This Florida: 1924; IV. Down-Town; V. [‘On hot days’]; VI. [‘The pure products of America’]; VII. A Morning Imagination of Russia.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 98-111.

______. “On Gay Wallpaper.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 173-174.

______. “Paterson.” Collected Earlier Poems. Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1951, pp. 233-235.

______. “Portrait of a Lady.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 181.

______. A Recognizable Image: William Carlos Williams on Art and Artists. Ed. Bram Dijkstra. New York: New Directions, 1978.

______. “The Red Lily.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 177-178.

______. Rev. An “Objectivists” Anthology. Symposium, 4, 1 (January 1933), 114-117.

______. Selected Essays. New York: New Directions, 1969.

______. Selected Letters. Ed. John C. Thirlwall. New York: McDowell, Obolensky, 1957.

______. Spring and All. France, 1923; rpt. San Francisco: Frontier Press, 1970. In Imaginations, pp. 88-151.

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______. “3”. An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 174-175.

______. “To.” An “Qbjectivists” Anthology, pp. 178-179.

______. “To Mark Antony in Heaven.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 180-181.

______. A Voyage to Pagany. 1928; rpt. St. Clair Shores, MI: Scholarly Press, 1972.

______. “The Work of Gertrude Stein.” Pagany, 1, 1 (Winter 1930), 41-46. In Imaginations, pp. 344-351.

______. “The Writers Publishers, Inc.” June 1933. Yale.

______. “Zukofsky.” In “A” 1-12. By Louis Zukofsky. Ashland, MA: Origin Press, 1959, pp. 291-296. In Agenda, Louis Zukofsky Special Issue edited by Charles Tomlinson, 3, 6 (December 1964), 1-4.

Winters, Yvor. “The Objectivists.” Rev. An “Objectivists” Anthology. Hound and Horn, 6, 1 (October-December 1932), 158-160.

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Zolinsky, Henry. “Horatio.” Poetry (February 1931), 259.

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______. Personal interview. 8 June 1979. Port Jefferson, NY.

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______. “‘A’: First and Second Movements: ‘Come Ye Daughters’; Third and Fourth Movements: ‘Out of the voices’; Fifth and Sixth Movements: ‘And I’; Seventh Movement: ‘There are different techniques.’” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 112-155.

______. “‘A’: Third and Fourth Movements: ‘out of the voices.’” New Review (May-June-July 1931), 83-88.

______. “‘A’: Seventh Movement: ‘There are different techniques.’Poetry (February 1931), 242-246.

______. “A”-8. New Directions in Prose and Poetry, 1938. 1938; rpt. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1967, pp. 93-149.

______. “A” 1-12. Ashland, MA: Origin Press, 1959. Rpt. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967.

______. “Acknowledgments.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 209.

______, trans. Albert Einstein: A Biographical Portrait. By Anton Reiser. New York: Albert and Charles Boni, 1930.

______. All: The Collected Short Poems 1923-1964. New York: Norton, 1971.

______. “American Poetry 1920-1930: A Sequel to M. Taupin’s Book, 1919-1920.” Symposium: A Critical Review, 2, 1 (January 1931), 60-84.

______. “Appendix.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 201-205.

______, and Celia Zukofsky. Autobiography. New York: Grossman, 1970.

______. “The Best Human Value.” Nation, 186, 22 (31 May 1958), 500-502.

______. “The Cantos of Ezra Pound (One section of a long Essay).” Criterion, 10, 40 (April 1931), 424-440.

______. “Charles Reznikoff: Sincerity and Objectification.” Autograph manuscript. 4 February 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. “Constellation: In Memory of V. I. Ulianov.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 84-86. In Poetry Out of Wisconsin, pp. 312-313.

______. “Critique of Antheil: (Sunday Night, April 10, 1927, his Premiére in America).” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 81-84.

______. “Ezra Pound’s XXX Cantos.” Front, 1, 4 (June 1931), 364-369.

______. 55 Poems. Prairie City, IL: Decker, 1941.

______. First Half of “A”-9. New York: Louis Zukofsky, 1940.

______. . “A foin lass bodders.” Paideuma (Winter 1978), 409-411.

______. “For a Thing by Bach.” Pagany, 1, 4 (October-December 1930), 23. In A Return to Pagany, p. 144.

______. “Four Poems (1926-1927): I. My watch!; II. A dying away as of trees; III. And human heart-beats; star-falling; engine-beats —; IV. (I WAIT FOR THE TRAIN).” Blues, 2, 8 (Spring 1930), 14-15.

______. A Further Note on XXX Cantos by Ezra Pound. Windsor Quarterly: Modern Literature, 1, 1 (Spring 1933), 88-94.

______. “Imagisme.” Rev. L’Influence. By René Taupin. New Review (May-June-July 1931), 160-161.

______. Interview with L. S. Dembo. Contemporary Literature (Spring 1969), 203-219. In The Contemporary Writer, pp. 216-232.

______. Interview with Richard O. Moore for National Education Television, USA: Poetry Series. Tape. San Francisco State Poetry Center.

______. Le Style Apollinaire. Trans. René Taupin. Paris: Les Presses Modernes, 1934.

______. Letter (to Burnshaw). Poetry (April 1931), 55-57.

______. Letter (to Schappes). Poetry, 42, 2 (May 1933), 117.

______. Letter to Monroe. 12 October 1930. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 41, folder 14.

______. Letter to Monroe. 14 October 1930. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 41, folder 14.

______. Letter to Monroe. 18 November 1930. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 41, folder 14.

______. Letter to Monroe. 15 December 1930. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 41, folder 14.

______. Letter to Monroe. 22 December 1930. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 41, folder 14.

______. Letter to Monroe. 11 February 1931. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 41, folder 14.

______. Letter to Monroe. 27 July 1931. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 41, folder 14.

______. Letter to Pound, 6 September 1927. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 5-6, No. 2.

______. Letter to Pound, 20 March 1928. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 9-10, No. 5.

______. Letter to Pound, 28 May 1928. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, misdated 12 August 1928. Montemora, 8 (1981) 153-154. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 16-17, No. 7.

______. Letter to Pound, 19 September 1928. Yale.

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______. Letter to Pound, 19 November 1928. Yale.

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______. Letter to Pound, 24 September 1929. Yale.

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______. Letter to Pound, 19 December 1929. Montemora, 8 (1981), 156.

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______. Letter to Pound, 6 March 1930. Yale, and Montemora, 8 (1981), 160.

______. Letter to Pound, 10 March 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 19 March 1930. Yale, and Montemora, 8 (1981).

______. Letter to Pound, 27 May 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 18 June 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 27 June 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 19 July 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 19 August 1930. Montemora, 8 (1981), 164.

______. Letter to Pound, 8 September 1930. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 39-43, No. 22.

______. Letter to Pound, 13 October 1930. Montemora, 8 (1981), 165.

______. Letter to Pound, 16 October 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 5 November 1930. Montemora, 8 (1981), 170-171.

______. Letter to Pound, 6 November 1930. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 64-68, No. 29.

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______. Letter to Pound, 15 November 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 17 November 1930. Yale.

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______. Letter to Pound, 12 December 1930. Yale, and Montemora, 8 (1981), 177-180.

______. Letter to Pound, 16 December 1930. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 5 January 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 2 February 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 20 March 1931. Yale.

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______. Letter to Pound, 25 May 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 18 September 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 12 October 1931. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 99-101, No. 40.

______. Letter to Pound, 21 October 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, l5 October 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 11 November 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 7 December 1931. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 107-114, No. 43.

______. Letter to Pound, 10 December 1931. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 114-119, No. 44.

______. Letter to Pound, 14 December 1931. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 119-122, No. 45.

______. Letter to Pound, 17 December 1931. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 7 January 1932. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 22 January 1932. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 15 March 1932. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 20 April 1932. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 8 August 1932. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 132-133, No. 50.

______. Letter to Pound, 12 November 1932. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 8 October 1932. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 17 April 1933. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 11 May 1933. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 12 July 1933. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 151-152, No. 60.

______. Letter to Pound, 23 October 1933. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 16 November 1933. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, 12 April 1934. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 156-157, No. 63.

______. Letter to Pound, 23 May 1934. Yale. Pound/Zukofsky, pp. 159-160, No. 65.

______. Letter to Pound, 11 May 1935. Yale.

______. Letter to Pound, ”Yooltide” 1935. Yale.

______. Letter to Rakosi. 17 November 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Rakosi. 24 November 1930. Humanities Research Center, Univeristy of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Rakosi. 3 December 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

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______. Letter to Rakosi. 16 December 1930. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Rakosi. 6 January 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Rakosi. 6 February 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin

______. Letter to Rakosi. 2 June 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Rakosi. 15 September 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

______. Letter to Rakosi. 26 September 1931. Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin.

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______. Letter to Zabel. 19 February 1931. Zabel Papers. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, folder III, box 27.

______. Letter to Zabel. 24 August 1931. Morton Zabel Papers, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, folder III, box 27.

______. Letter to Zabel. 29 December 1931. Morton Zabel Papers, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, folder III, box 27.

______. Little: for careenages. New York: Grossman, 1970.

______. “‘London or Troy?’ ‘Adest.’” Rev. Redimiculum Matellarum. By Basil Bunting . Poetry, 38, 3 (June 1931), 160-162.

______. “Madison, Wis., Remembering the bloom of Monticello (1913). Contact (Second Series), 1, 1 (February 1932), 41-42. In An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 184-185. In Modern Things, p. 75. In Poetry Out of Wisconsin, pp; 311-312.

______. “Mr. Cummings and the Delectable Mountains.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 75-78.

______. “Notes.” Poetry (February 1931), 295.

______, ed. An “Objectivists” Anthology, France, 1932; rpt. New York: Folcroft Library Editions, 1975.

______. “Poems: I (Spinoza in a Winter Season); II [‘September among the headstones’].” Criterion, 8, 32 (April 1929), 420-421.

______, ed. Poetry, 37, 5 (February 1931), 231-295.

______. “A Preface.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 86-88.

______. “Preface—1927.” Exile, 4 (Autumn 1928), 78-80.

______. Prepositions: The Collected Critical Essays, Expanded Edition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.

______. “Program: ‘Objectivists’ 1931.” Poetry (February 1931), 268-272.

______. “Prop. LXI (The Strength of the Emotions—Ethical ordine geometrico demonstrata: IV).” An “Objectivists” Anthology, p. 184.

______. “‘Recencies’ in Poetry.” An “Objectivists” Anthology, pp. 9-25.

______. Reply to Mr. Schappes. 3 March 1933. Poetry Papers, 1912-1936, Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library, box 41, folder 14.

______. “Sincerity and Objectification: With Special Reference to the Work of Charles Reznikoff .” Poetry (February 1931), 272-285.

______. Le Style Apollinaire. Trans. René Taupin. Paris: Les Presses Modernes, 1934.

______, trans. “Three Poems by André Salmon: I.” By René Taupin. Poetry (February 1931), 289-293.

______, trans. “Three Poems by André Salmon.” By René Taupin. Poetry (March 1931), 333-339.

______, and Roger Kaigh. “University: Old-Time.” By Joyce Hopkins (pseudonym). Poetry (February 1931), 251.

______, and René Taupin. “The Writing of Guillaume Apollinaire: Le Flaneur; I-IL Y A.” Westminster Magazine, 22, 4 (Winter 1933) 9-47.

______, and René Taupin. “The Writing of Guillaume Apollinaire: II—Le Poète Ressuscite; III—& Cie.” Westminster Magazine, 23, 1 (Spring 1934), 7-46.