81: Rhetoric

You take pleasure in distinguishing the genuine from the sham, but the sham is inexpensive, readily available, and, often, worse, delivered with more intensity and art than the quality toaster, the perfect wine, the Van Gogh by Van Gogh, the politician who never lies, the mother who loves her child. You take pleasure and have it taken from you, whether you know it or not. Corporations try to entertain you as they twist your mind to buy their soap. But does it do you any good when you do not knowingly submit, or do you simply feel relief when your violation decreases? You take pleasure when you’re doing the taking. Truths have many flavors; if you choose one that flatters are you committing a crime? If your words move others to benefit is it wrong to claim a percentage? The tongue of the devil, they say, is sweet, but we don’t suspect our mothers and daughters. You take pleasure and you pay for it whether in months, misery, or money. The question is, “What would you pay for a perfect life?” The question is, “Would you know it when you saw it?” If you don’t ask, you’ll need to decide for yourself. A simple test, a child’s game: Simon says, “Relax.” Simon says, “Put your hands in your pockets.” Thank you. That’s all for now. You can pay on your way out.
