Orgelet suste og Sangen lød by Einar Christiansen

Orgelet suste og Sangen lød, Højmessesol gjennem Kirken flød. Strengt gaaer det til i den himmelske Stad; den gode Gud havde skilt os ad. Jeg saae Dig fjernt i Kvindernes Række bøje dit Hoved med ydmygt Tække. Saa prøved jeg ogsaa med ærlig Flid at tækkes Himlen en liden Tid og skulde nok med Guds Hjælp, jeg troer, kunnet holde Traaden i Præstens Ord. — Da var det, at Solen — den slemme Sol! — paa Vej til Altret gled ind i din Stol og krøb med sin mest uskyldige Mine op i dit Haar, det gylden-fine. Men da den naaede din Øjenkrog, da havde jeg glemt mine Bibelsprog; og da den kyssed din bløde Kind, da tabte jeg Traaden i Præstens Spind. — „Dejlig er Jorden!” — hvor Sangen dog lød! Højmessesol gjennem Kirken lød.

The organ whistled and the song sounded (literal translation of Einar Christiansen’s poem)

The organ whistled and the song sounded, High Mass sun through the Church flowed. Strictly it is done in the heavenly city; the good God had separated us. I saw you far away in the women’s line bow your head with humble bow. Then I also tried with honest diligence to cover the sky for a little while and should, with God’s help, I believe, could hold the thread in the priest’s words. — Then it was that the Sun — the wicked Sun! — on the way to the altar slipped into your chair and crouched with his most innocent Mine up in your hair, the golden fineness. But when it reached the corner of your eye, then I had forgotten my Bible languages; and when it kissed your soft cheek, then I lost the thread in the priest’s web.