
I originally published this book in Palo Alto in August 1979. It was a cutout; I took the original pamphlet, cut out the text, and pasted in my eighteen typewritten poems.


You Don’t Say, Fourteenth Annual Commencement Booklet, California State College, Sonoma, Friday 23 May 1975; The River, Open Hand (2nd May) 1973; End of the Rainbow, Open Hand (May) 1973; You and I on the Road to the Sea, Back Roads: Mind / Body Issue, No. 7 (Spr-Sum 1975).

My title, format, and illustrations are from a pamphlet published by the Norton Company, Worcester, Mass.

You may email tom/AT/liztomsharp/DOT/-c-o-m-/ to share comments on this work.

—Tom Sharp, Seattle

Copyright © 1979, 2015 by Tom Sharp

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