From the German
- About this book
- Chaoskampf – the struggle against chaos
- Doppelgänger – a ghostly double of a living person
- Entschuldigung – an apology
- Eselsbrücke – a mnemonic device to help remember something
- Fingerspitzengefühl – empathy, sensitivity
- Fremdschämen – embarrassment for another
- Geborgenheit – to be completely secure and happy in a given situation
- Gemütlichkeit – coziness, warmth, good cheer
- Gesamtkunstwerk – the whole of a work of art
- Hanschuhschneeballwerfer – backstabber
- Märchenhaft – fairytale-like
- Poltergeist – a spirit that causes physical objects to move or fly about
- Schadenfreude – pleasure in other’s misfortune
- Spezialeigenschaften – special properties
- Torschlusspanik – panic when your time is running out
- Treppenwitz – thinking of the wittiest remark after you’ve left the party
- Verfremdungseffekt – the effect of disassociation
- Vergangenheitsbewältigung – the struggle to overcome the past
- Vernichtungsgedanke – the concept of annihilation
- Verschlimmbessern – to make something worse in an honest but failed attempt to improve it
- Waldeinsamkeit – the calming of a forest
- Weltanschauung – worldview
- Welträtsel – the riddle of the universe
- Weltschmerz – sadness from the awareness of evil and suffering
- Wunderlust – the yearning to travel
- Zeitgeist – the spirit of the age
- Zitterbewegung – the theoretical predicted motion of elementary particles