Yuzhang campaign by Tom Sharp

The northern wind blows us over the pass— soldiers and horses hardly touch the rocks. The southern army could be lost forever— their white armor disappears in the snow. Halfway over the river, half our spirit deserts us— even the general loses his determination. The old women who cried for their sons when we left will still be crying when the grass is tall. Our white horses can’t be settled— foaming, they chase each other around their paddock. White poplars fall into white snow under white moonlight in these mountains. The bandits are more cruel than we are— neither side can care for the wounded. You have a choice—white or black— fear, pity, compassion, weakness, or you die. A spirit can fly through stone— to it, danger and depravation are nothing. A cozy hut, a warm hearth here is fantasy— only whales that can’t fly can make waves. Nobody wants to hear this song— you don’t want to know how wars are won.

豫章行 by 李白 (Li Bai)

胡风吹代马,北拥鲁阳关。 吴兵照海雪,西讨何时还? 半渡上辽津,黄云惨无颜。 老母与子别,呼天野草间。 白马绕旌旗,悲鸣相追攀。 白杨秋月苦,早落豫章山。 本为休明人,斩虏素不闲。 岂惜战斗死?为君扫凶顽。 精感石没羽,岂云惮险艰? 楼船若鲸飞,波荡落星湾。 此曲不可奏,三军发成斑。