Li Bai: loose translations
| En
| Zh+literal
| En+Zh
Disgusted with politics, Lu Tong pretend to be crazy and sang loud mockeries of Confucius. I also feel like giving it all up, taking my bindle and staff, and walking into the mountains where I can talk with the immortals. I’ll drink the elixir and sing of the bright blue lakes, of streams that cascade from cliffs, and of peaks that mingle with the stars.
我本楚狂人,凤歌笑孔丘。 手持绿玉杖,朝别黄鹤楼。 五岳寻仙不辞远,一生好入名山游。 庐山秀出南斗傍,屏风九叠云锦张,影落明湖青黛光。 金阙前开二峰长,银河倒挂三石梁,香炉瀑布遥相望,回崖沓嶂凌苍苍。 翠影红霞映朝日,鸟飞不到吴天长。 登高壮观天地间,大江茫茫去不还。 黄云万里动风色,白波九道流雪山。 好为庐山谣,兴因庐山发。 闲窥石镜清我心,谢公行处苍苔没。 早服还丹无世情,琴心三叠道初成。 遥见仙人彩云里,手把芙蓉朝玉京。 先期汗漫九垓上,愿接卢敖游太清。