Letter home by Tom Sharp

My dears, I’m sorry I’ve been away so long. Here, the mulberry leaves are green again. Since I left, they’ve gathered cocoons three times. And now the rains will delay me even longer. I planted a peach tree at home before I left and now it must be taller than either of you. I think of leaning against the peach tree and watching you play and pick flowers. I know you miss me, for I miss you.

寄东鲁二稚子 by 李白 (Li Bai)

吴地桑叶绿,吴蚕已三眠。 我家寄东鲁,谁种龟阴田? 春事已不及,江行复茫然。 南风吹归心,飞堕酒楼前。 楼东一株桃,枝叶拂青烟。 此树我所种,别来向三年。 桃今与楼齐,我行尚未旋。 娇女字平阳,折花倚桃边。 折花不见我,泪下如流泉。 小儿名伯禽,与姊亦齐肩。 双行桃树下,抚背复谁怜? 念此失次第,肝肠日忧煎。 裂素写远意,因之汶阳川。