Lamentation by Tom Sharp

Here by an old pavilion hardly anything grows. I asked people where this ancient road goes and they said the poet Wang Can walked that way. Wang Can and Emperor Wen are almost lost in time but their lamentations rise from these ruins at sunset. You are leaving now along the same road and I can’t listen to the oriole’s cry.

灞陵行送别 by 李白 (Li Bai)

送君灞陵亭,灞水流浩浩。 上有无花之古树,下有伤心之春草。 我向秦人问路歧,云是王粲南登之古道。 古道连绵走西京,紫阙落日浮云生。 正当今夕断肠处,黄鹂愁绝不忍听。