Li Bai: loose translations
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At home, I enjoy new rice wine brewed in the mountains and boiled chicken fresh from our yard. My children laugh and pull on our clothes. We embrace our comforts— drinking, singing, and dancing. It’s too late to call for horses to search for distant glory. But it’s not the first time that I’ve left home. In the morning, my heart lighter, I leave for the capital. Maybe I was born to serve and not to hide at home.
白酒新熟山中归,黄鸡啄黍秋正肥。 呼童烹鸡酌白酒,儿女嬉笑牵人衣。 高歌取醉欲自慰,起舞落日争光辉。 游说万乘苦不早,著鞭跨马涉远道。 会稽愚妇轻买臣,余亦辞家西入秦。 仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。