Li Bai: loose translations
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My old friend Jia Chun asked me while drinking to ask the moon when she first appeared. We can’t touch her, but she touches us. She follows us everywhere at night. When the ancients looked at her, she was the same as she is today. People disappear like puddles after it rains, but she remains, bright as ever. I only wish, when we sing and drink, that she would always shine on our cups.
青天有月来几时,我今停杯一问之。 人攀明月不可得,月行却与人相随。 皎如飞镜临丹阙,绿烟灭尽清辉发。 但见宵从海上来,宁知晓向云间没。 白兔捣药秋复春,嫦娥孤栖与谁邻。 今人不见古时月,今月曾经照古人。 古人今人若流水,共看明月皆如此。 唯愿当歌对酒时,月光长照金樽里。