Han river by Tom Sharp

A royal barge always drifts on this river; the waters have that kind of beauty and grace. If you stand on the shore and listen carefully, you can hear the royal orchestra tuning up. You can smell the heady aroma of rice wine and the perfumes of women as they flutter in long silks. The king is in his palace; those figures on the barge are immortals talking with the gods. They reply to the breezes and flowing waters in rhyming couplets. A singer lifts her voice and the sun comes out from behind the clouds.

江上吟 by 李白 (Li Bai)

木兰之枻沙棠舟,玉箫金管坐两头。 美酒樽中置千斛,载妓随波任去留。 仙人有待乘黄鹤,海客无心随白鸥。 屈平辞赋悬日月,楚王台榭空山丘。 兴酣落笔摇五岳,诗成笑傲凌沧洲。 功名富贵若长在,汉水亦应西北流。