Seaview by Tom Sharp

From the peak of Mount Tiantai, I can see six islands in the East China Sea like giant turtles, floating, frozen white, dead and abandoned. The tree of life is split in two; the sun has no warmth. Emperors dreamed they could fill the sea with stones, and now their tombs lie in ruins and thieves have taken their jade.

登高丘而望远海 by 李白 (Li Bai)

登高丘,望远海。 六鳌骨已霜,三山流安在? 扶桑半摧折,白日沈光彩。 银台金阙如梦中,秦皇汉武空相待。 精卫费木石,鼋鼍无所凭。 君不见骊山茂陵尽灰灭,牧羊之子来攀登。 盗贼劫宝玉,精灵竟何能? 穷兵黩武今如此,鼎湖飞龙安可乘?