Les premières communions: VI by Arthur Rimbaud

Qui dira ces langueurs et ces pitiés immondes Et ce qui lui viendra de haine, ô sales fous, Dont le travail divin déforme encor les mondes Quand la lèpre, à la fin, rongera ce corps doux, Et quand, ayant rentré tous ces nÅ“uds d’hystéries Elle verra, sous les tristesses du bonheur, L’amant rêver au blanc million de Maries Au matin de la nuit d’amour, avec douleur!

First Communions: VI (literal translation of Arthur Rimbaud’s poem)

Who will tell of these languors and these filthy pities And what will come to her from hatred, oh filthy fools, Whose divine work still deforms the worlds When leprosy, in the end, will eat away at this sweet body, And when, having returned all these knots of hysteria She will see, under the sadness of happiness, The lover dreaming of the white million of Maries In the morning of the night of love, with pain!