Children of Heaven

Generally, religions concern themselves with adults; children are expected to tolerate the faith of their guardians; however, Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Children of Heaven is not Christian, Jewish, Islam, or Hindi; we approach all faiths with childlike innocence. We provide a comforting hand for all children. We talk about all gods and all goddesses. Crayons and cray paper provide the stuff of our prayers. Story time and sharing are our rituals. Much of the evil of this world is the work of adults. We ask, “Why is this so?” But we don’t moralize, and we don’t tell children what to believe. We make time for asking questions and for admitting that we don’t always have answers. We don’t exclude any child except for the older ones. If they have begun to be cynical then they are too old for us.