
No one was happy with universal languages; too few were willing to learn a new language and be limited by their own proficiencies. Each felt that their native language was naturally the most expressive. Even though computer analysis of vocabularies and native literatures neatly settled the matter, it was hard to convince people that everyone should learn Unangam Tunuu. Therefore, the need to greatly improve simultaneous computer translation drove the development of a non-spoken and verbose linguistic descriptive language, encompassing graphemes, phonemes, and vocabulary, pronunciations and intonations, semantics and grammar, social conventions, contexts, nuances, allusions, and the like to provide a common intermediate language, Tunuu, (pronounced as the vowels in “canoe”). Consequently, whereas, before this, the number of living natural languages was steadily falling, after this, the number increased dramatically. Computers could be trained by native speakers and fed all the literature and other documents in the language that were available, and then generate the Tunuu, after which anyone who knew the language could now be understood by anyone else whose language was already known. The proliferation of natural languages became extreme as people realized key changes to an existing language could render it incomprehensible to others. Even in the same clan or family or in the same household, individuals choose to speak different languages, sometimes French in a Welsh family, or an intergalactic trade jargon in Somalia, and with amazing frequency a new language never spoken before in heaven or on Earth.