Remote sphere

Since I could live anywhere, I asked for a sphere on Atka Island set into the grassy hillside on a northern slope between Martin Harbor and Sarana Cove above Korovin Bay with a view of the volcano, the clouded edge of its caldera. Here I can look out below steep slopes over cold waters and count my blessings. I am warm, well fed, and have everything I need to answer my curiosity and the far-reaching extents of my investigations. Grassy in the summer, icy otherwise, windy always, there are no roads here, just as there are no trees, and who would fly a seaplane to the bay below, even on a calm day, hardly worth the risk or the time. * Waves here are too reckless; a single winter storm would destroy most wave or tidal generators. But the wind is a blessing in disguise, because although it punishes outdoor activists it spins the wind turbine like crazy to reward indoor activists like me. Therefore, deep in the hillside we distill all the water we need, and hydroponic gardens thrive with plenty of heat and light. Except for the beautiful scenery this sphere could be a spaceship that generates its own power, far from needing to be resupplied.