Tracing the family tree has been quite a task. A lot of it is not finished, as there is a lot that I can’t find, because few records are available for the Russian and the native sides of the family in Alaska. What I have I will put down and if anyone in the family in the future finds out more, or if I am wrong, please feel free to change it.
Cover. Barbara Naumoff-Smith-Bowen-Rohde, on the right, with her sister Ann Naumoff.
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Mae Annette Fox was born in Seldovia Alaska on 16 July 1931. She was the oldest daughter of six, having one older brother, two younger brothers, and two sisters. She married Frederick James Sharp in Anchorage on 8 July 1950. At the time, Fred Sharp was an Air Force airplane mechanic. In the sixties, Mae was a chief administrator for the civil service at Hamilton Air Force Base, California. After she retired, she became interested in genealogy and basketry. She died on 27 January 2017 in Olympia, Washington.
Mae wrote this book in 2006, but it was not published at that time. This edition is produced by Tom Sharp for Sharpgiving Press. We have expanded some genealogy listings with events that happened after 2017.
The people in the tree are linked to the sections where they appear.