- Who is Merope?
- She who turned Orion’s head . . .
- around? Through the looking glass
- an agreement is made
- that “me, myself & I”
- will swear no prior knowledge.
- Somewhere, a choice is made—
- she says, “I’m a spirit
- who inhabits a body. I’m a princess,
- a grand-daughter of the thyrsus god.
- My thoughts move from east to west.
- My body follows the moon . . .”
- Orion interrupts: “You move me.
- I’m the son of the sea god, a hunter.
- Wild boars fear me.
- I make dragons hold their breath.
- Lions & bears avoid me.
- Wolves run away when the wind
- carries my scent. My sword
- is swift. My bow is true.”