Fighting the Xiongnu by Tom Sharp

1. We crossed the Yumen pass and chased the Xiongnu to Jinwei Mountain. In camp at night, a flute played the old song “Plum Blossoms Falling.” I know it’s not snow because of its fragrance; you’ve left me; the winter will be cold. Our drums beat like ocean waves in a storm. The hilt of my sword outlined the moon. Anger built up inside me. I wanted to cut off the head of the Xiongnu. 2. We had their camp under siege. After a hundred battles, my armor was broken, but I rode into their camp, killed General Huyan, and led the remnants of our calvary home.

从军行 by 李白 (Li Bai)

其一 从军玉门道,逐虏金微山。 笛奏梅花曲,刀开明月环。 鼓声鸣海上,兵气拥云间。 愿斩单于首,长驱静铁关。 其二 百战沙场碎铁衣,城南已合数重围。 突营射杀呼延将,独领残兵千骑归。