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- Chronological index
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- Index by science
- Index by scientist
- Eponymous milestones
- The last name of the scientist who made the discovery or did the initial work frequently identifies the science, law, effect, technique, object, or device.
Index of eponymous milestones
- Alexanderson alternator
- Alfvén wave
- Amontons’ Laws of Friction
- Ampère’s circuital law
- Archimedes’s screw
- Arago spot
- Arrhenius equation
- Avogadro constant
- Bacon’s cipher
- Bakelite
- Barkhausen effect
- Barsanti-Matteucci engine
- Batesian mimicry
- Bayes’ theorem
- BCS theory
- Bernoulli’s principle
- Birkeland-Eyde process
- Birkeland current
- Bohrium
- Bohr magneton
- Boolean algebra
- Bose-Einstein condensate
- Boveri-Sutton chromosome theory
- Boyle’s law
- Branly coherer
- Brownian motion
- Bunsen burner
- Cartesian coordinates
- Caesar cipher
- Casimir effect
- Celsius scale
- Cherenkov radiation
- Coandă effect
- Compton scattering
- Compton wavelength
- Conway’s Game of Life
- Cooper pair
- Copernicium
- Coriolis effect
- Cotton effect
- Cotton-Mouton effect
- Coulomb’s law
- Crookes radiometer
- Crookes tube
- Curie’s law, Curie temperature
- Curium
- D’Alembert’s paradox
- Delisle scale
- De Rivaz engine
- Diesel engine
- Diophantine equation
- Dirac equation, Dirac sea
- Doppler effect
- Douady rabbit
- The Drebbel
- Edison effect
- Einsteinium
- Einstein refrigerator
- Ekman transport
- Euler characteristic
- Euler’s number
- Faraday cage
- Faraday cup
- Faraday disc
- Faraday effect
- Faraday efficiency
- Faraday’s law of induction
- Faraday wave
- Fahrenheit scale
- Fermat’s principle
- Fermionic condensate
- Fermium
- Feynman diagram
- Fibonacci sequence
- Fischer projection
- Fleming valve
- Foucault’s pendulum
- Fullerene
- Galvanometer
- Geiger counter
- Geissler tube
- Gibbs free energy
- Goldschmidt classification
- Gram staining
- Graetz bridge
- Halley’s comet
- Hausdorff dimension
- Hawking radiation
- Hayflick limit
- Heaviside condition
- Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
- Hill cipher
- Hooke’s law
- Huygens’ engine
- Huygens—Fresnel principle
- Joule-Thomson effect
- Julian calendar
- Kater’s pendulum
- Keeling curve
- Kelvin scale
- Kelvin wave
- Kerr effect
- Koch snowflake
- Koch’s postulates
- Langmuir circulation
- Lawrencium
- Leibniz wheel
- Leidenfrost effect
- Lenoir gas engine
- Lenz’s law
- Lorentz force, Lorentz transformations
- Majorana fermion
- Magnus effect
- Mandelbrot set
- Marangoni effect
- Maxwell’s equations
- Meissner effect
- Meitnerium
- Mendelian inheritance
- Mercator projection
- Mendelevium
- Mersenne’s laws of vibrating strings
- Michelson-Morley experiment
- Mohs scale
- Mössbauer effect
- Mpemba effect
- Müllerian mimicry
- Nansen bottle
- Napier’s bones
- Neo-Darwinism
- von Neumann machine
- Newton scale
- Nicol prism
- Nobelium
- Noether’s theorem
- Nonius
- Oganesson
- Ohm’s law
- Oort cloud
- Otto cycle
- Parson magneton
- Pascal’s calculator
- Paschen’s law
- Pauli exclusion principle
- Peltier effect
- Petri net
- Planck constant
- Playfair cipher
- Polybius square
- Prout’s hypothesis
- Pupin coil
- Pythagorean theorem
- Réaumur scale
- Reynolds number
- Roentgenium
- Rollin film
- Rømer scale
- Roots blower
- Rossby wave
- Rutherfordium
- Sagnac effect
- Schottky effect
- Schrödinger equation
- Seaborgium
- Schwartzchild radius
- Scoville scale
- Seebeck effect
- Sierpinski carpet
- Skyrmion (Quasiparticles)
- Snell’s law
- Stark-Lo Surdo effect
- Stefan-Boltzmann law
- Stirling engine
- Stokes drift
- Tesla turbine
- Thales’ theorem
- Townsend discharge
- Turing pattern
- Turing test
- Voigt effect
- Van Allen belts
- Van der Waals force
- Vernier scale
- Vigenère cipher
- Wallace line
- Wedgwood scale
- Weiss magneton
- Wheatstone bridge
- Zeeman effect