benzine ring (c6h6)

The book of science

8700 BCE - 2018 CE

Tom Sharp

Poetry and commentary reflecting milestones of the history of science

Welcome to The book of science. Come here each week to find poetry and commentary on another milestone of the history of science.

This week

Magnesium: atomic number: 12; weight: 24.305; Alkaline earth metal; discovery: 1755—Joseph Black, Humphry Davy.

1755, 1808 Magnesium Mg 012 Glasgow, LondonJoseph Black, Humphry Davy elements


1752 D’Alembert’s paradox Jean le Rond d’Alembert fluid dynamics
1751 Nickel Ni 28 LosAxel Fredrik Cronstedt elements
1750 Platinum Pt 78 LondonAntonio de Ulloa, Charles Wood, William Brownrigg, William Hyde Wollaston, Smithson Tennant elements
1747 Electric charge Benjamin Franklin electromagnetism
1745 - 1746 Leyden jar Ewald Georg von Kleist, Pieter van Musschenbroek electromagnetism
1743 Ethnography Gerhard Friedrich Müller ethnography
1742 Centigrade scale Anders Celsius, Jean-Pierre Christin thermometry

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This web site also includes other works by Tom Sharp and work by other poets.