benzine ring (c6h6)

The book of science

8700 BCE - 2018 CE

Tom Sharp

Poetry and commentary reflecting milestones of the history of science

Welcome to The book of science. Come here each week to find poetry and commentary on another milestone of the history of science.

This week (starting 11 January 2025)

In 1783, Josiah Wedgwood invented the first practical means of measuring high temperatures in a kiln.

1783 Wedgwood scale Josiah Wedgwood thermometry


1782 Tellurium Te 52 TransylvaniaFranz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein, Martin Heinrich Klaproth elements
1781, 1783 Tungsten W 74 Uppsala, BergaraTorbern Bergman, Juan José Elhuyar, Fausto Elhuyar elements
1781 Discovery of Uranus William Herschel astronomy
1780 Mysorean rockets Hyder Ali, Tipu Sultan manufacturing
1778, 1781 Molybdenum Mo 42 UppsalaCarl Wilhelm Scheele, Peter Jacob Hjelm elements
1778, 1845 Diamagnetism Sebald Justinus Brugmans, Michael Faraday electromagnetism
1774, 1810 Chlorine Cl 017 Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Humphry Davy elements

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This web site also includes other works by Tom Sharp and work by other poets.