Illustration of Schwartzchild radius

1916 Schwartzchild radius

The book of science

Tom Sharp

Karl Schwarzschild physics Illustration of Schwartzchild radius

Schwartzchild radius

The first exact solution of general relativity for a single spherical non-rotating mass led to the derivation of the gravitational radius, associated with every quantity of mass, and the event horizon of a non-rotating black hole.


A point in spacetime at which matter has infinite density and infinitesimal volume. All matter of the universe in less than a dot less than a moment before the big bang. The future time when computer intelligence becomes capable of improving itself. The myth of individual uniqueness, also known as the Lake Wobegon syndrome.


There might come a time when all that you know and love dissolves, and your challenge would be to rely on whatever makes you human. You would need to gather whatever is left and make another life, somewhat, inescapably, like the life before.

The Schwartzchild solution relates the radius to time, the speed of light, the mass, and the gravitational constant. Schwartzchild derived this radius from the Schwartzchild solution, otherwise known as the Schwartzchild metric and the Schwartzchild vacuum. It describes the radius of the event horizon of a Schwartzchild black hole.

The year after Schwartzchild solved the problem, Johannes Droste independently found a simpler solution.

See also in The book of science:

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