Erwin Schrödinger quantum mechanics |
Everything’s in motion especially when focused on what’s too small to see. Elementary particles buzz about their centers oscillating with a miniscule amplitude.
Yin and yang
Yin dances with yang. Positive dances with negative to a miniscule beat. Changes implicit in the charges. Positive becoming negative and negative becoming positive give alternate readings.
I have a friend who trembles, never at rest. Something insufficient with his neurons. Macroscopic energy, analog of the microscopic, gives it a buzz. The rest of us, the opposite of myopic, are blessedly numb.
Zitterbewegung means, in German, “trembling motion.”
The amplitude of a Zitterbewegung is the Compton wavelength of the particle. You heard it here first.
See also in The book of science:
Readings in wikipedia: