Pets, Primates, Parasites
About this book
Animal personhood
– Should animals be regarded as persons?
– Their habits make them fully unsuitable for civilized society.
– At the zoo, gorillas groom each other.
Koko and All Ball
– Koko adopted a kitten and named him All Ball.
Chimpanzee cousins
– We share the same ancestors.
– Neanderthals were
Homo sapiens.
Family members
– Many regard their pets as a family members.
– Older gentleman seeks someone to talk to.
– The stereotype is false and cruel.
Pet cemeteries
– We may bury our pets with dignity.
Easy to love
– It’s easy to love a lovely creature.
Man walking dog
– There is but one purpose.
Little yapping dogs
– The yapping is only an act they put on for fun.
– Not every domesticated animal gets to be a pet.
Drug-enforcement beagle
– She sniffs the baggage of the sweaty travelers.
Animals in space
– Several animals died in space.
The pirate’s parrot
– The parrot flies to safety and calls out obscenities.
Organ grinder’s monkey
– His capuchin wears a fez and vest.
– The Buddha urged us to avoid attachment.
Many creatures
– They all share, with us, this little blue planet.
The David and the Goliath
– Tapeworms seem to have the winning strategy.
New York City rats
– The rats of New York are legendary.
Vampire bats
– People fear the vampire bat without good reason.
Bed bugs
– Bed bugs have evolved with humans.
Head lice
– Head lice prefer to inflict children.
Cat lady
– The milder versions of this disorder cause no harm.
St Kilda house mouse
– These small brown mice were house mice.
Raccoons in the suburb
– It’s easy for them to find what they need.
Coyotes eating cats
– Neighbors are upset about coyotes eating cats.
Horseback riding
– Horseback riding involves considerable overhead.
Horse racing
– Racing horses is a form of animal cruelty.
Wild horses
– Wild horses damage their own ranges.
Wild animals
– Wild animals will never be ours.
Zebra finch
– The small zebra finch is truly a wild animal.
Barry the barred owl
– Barry is eating squirrels in Central Park.
– This small parrot is curious and cute.
– Parrots can understand what we teach them to repeat.
Unsinkable Sam
– The sinking of the German battleship Bismarck started his career.
Presidential pets
– Pets are thought to humanize politicians.
The queen’s corgis
– Her Majesty has always loved corgis.
– Lassie’s real name was Pal.
Asta and Odie
– Crossword afficionados know these dogs.
Snoopy, Hobbes, Rover
– Snoopy doesn’t need that round-headed kid.
Pommes Frites
– Pommes Frites lives a simple life.
– Toto pulls back the curtain.
Saint Bernard
– A dig with a keg of brandy on its collar rescues a traveler in the snow.
– The term suggests petting.
– It can be dangerous to handle.
Dinosaurs are not pets
– All that’s left of them are rocks.
Kitty litters, poop bags
– The poop reminds us we do this for love.
Cat scratch fever
– It’s a real thing.
Cats on the bed
– Cats may not recognize our authority.
Mohammad’s cat Muezza
– You show your faith by loving cats.
– I’m watching our parakeet and thinking.
Eating vegan
– Some believe it’s better.
A vegan feeds his cat
– I eat vegan but feed my cat meat.
Buddhist petting
– A sentient creature can not be cruel.
– Domestic animals should have certain freedoms.
Animal cruelty
– Circuses don’t keep animals any more.
Doomed mink
– The mink had already been doomed.
Abandoned pets
– The reasons never excuse the loss.
Holly Golightly’s cat
– Holly calls her unnamed cat “Cat.”